Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunless Citadel Part 4 - The Party Kills Goblins, Finds a Wyrmling!


6 Scimitars
6 shortbows with 3 quivers, 18 arrows
2 Scrolls of Spider Climb and Knock
gold ring worth 25gp
dragon shaped figurine 20gp
crystal goblet 5gp
fine silverware worth 24gp


6 Goblins = 50 XP times 6 = 300 XP
Return Wyrmling (Calcryx) to Kobold Leader (Yusdrayl) ! 100 XP
100 Each! (Total 474)

Characters that have over 300 are level 2, characters that are over 1500 are now level 3, but I don't think anyone has that much at this point.


The party has just killed a group of Goblins, but then they see down two rooms a room filled with Goblins! Roughly 30 to 40 of them! So they do what any logical adventurer would do, they close the door!

Then the party decides to investigate a couple of other rooms adjacent to the one filled with Goblins. Lupa wild shapes into a ferocious wolf! But she misses a step attempting to leap over a pit...

As they investigate they find some more goblins and a Wyrmling!

The party freaks as the wyrmling springs for attack!

As they debate if they should return the wyrmling or continue on, Graz hears through the door the voice of a some creature with a deep voice.

Nero speaks to the wyrmling and they return the wyrmling to the Kobold Leader, Yusdrayl. Who thanks the party, awarding them with 2 scrolls that he can't read. The spell casters determine them to be a scroll of spider climb and knock. Then he provides a room to the party to use one of the rooms for a long rest.

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