Sunday, October 01, 2017

Sunless Citadel 6 - Don't split the party!


7 Goblin short-bows, arrows, and daggers
2 Red Sapphire Gems! (50gp each)


6 Goblins 75 XP times 7 = 525, 150 XP each
3 Twig Blights 40 XP x 3 = 120 XP, 40 XP each
1 Fire Snack 100 XP = 50 XP for Lupa and Jannick
Total = 300 XP each! (924 Total)


The party goes deep into the labyrinth of draconic rooms. Now they have uncovered a series of rooms that are filled with purple luminescence light emanating from various types of fungi. After defeating the twig creatures and skeletons, the party uncovers a series of work rooms. Just a handful of goblins are in this area.

The party kills a number of goblins and child goblins, gruesome site! But then they find two paths leading in opposite directions. Lupa and Jannick decide to go into a rift cut in the ground. The go down a long cavern and find a small cave that is filled with small holes. One of the holes has a faint glow to it. Lupa in wolf form sneaks up and is attacked by a fire snack! She and Jannick quickly kill the creature, even though it had a ferocious bite!

Ballrock and Nero go in the opposite direction and find a room filled with Skeletons and Twig creatures! They manage to destroy all of them before they can cut anyone down!

Finally they find a room that had a big group of Goblins. The party is now re-joined and are able to kill the goblins before they can muster an opposing force.

Now they have found a very large cavern that has a roof which appears to be 70 feet above. What will the party do now?!?

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