Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunless Citadel 7 - Final Conflict

The party finds the source of the corrupted fruit and missing party members!


Shatterspike - Magical longsword +1
3 Potions of healing
2 Vials of antitoxin
375 GP per player


4 Twig Blights - 125 XP per player
Completing Sunless Citadel! - 1000 XP per player


The party has found the final room in the Sunless citadel. WHich is a very large room that has a large evil looking tree in its center. A middle aged man stand before the tree and speaks to the party. Informing them that his name is Belak and that he will not harm them if they join forces and become one with the Gulnas Tree.

Nero isn't impressed and advanced toward the tree to get a better look at it. Then battle begins! The fight is somewhat intense, going 4 rounds, in which almost everyone gets injured. But they are able to take out the Gulnas Tree, which then free's Sir Bradford and Sharwyn from their magical bond to the tree.

During their searching Berak they find a number of potions, as well as a note that is written in dwarvish. Sigfread is able to decipher the note and realizes its a map to a mountain in the north.

The party returns to Oakhurst with Sir Bradford and Sharwyn slowly limping along. And as they walk you can see the corruption of the Gulneas Tree flaking off their bodies. Luckily they are still alive and are able to meet their family and friends before they fall apart in front of everyone. The Mayor awards the party with their help.

The party travels to Neverwinter, then to Luksan, and finally to Mirabar. In Mirabar they get a quest from a Noble to search an ancient dwarven forge. Providing them a broken blade that was forged at this location.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tomb of Horrors, Game 2, Round 2

Experience Points

Fighting Glabrezu Demon CR 9 (5000 XP)
Completing Tomb (1000 XP each!)


The party is two thirds through the Tomb, in a room that appears to be a large laboratory of somekind. Here they had found the second key!

The small party is getting close to the end!

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Tomb of Horror, Game 2, Round 1


1 Gargoyle - Challenge 2 (450 XP)
1 Giant Skeleton - Challenge 3 (700 XP)
1 Swarm of Snakes - Challenge 2 (450 XP)
1 Ochre Jelly - Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Crystal Box - 1000 gp


First time at the new Anime Imports store, really nice! The party got really far in the dungeon, to room 19 with the 3 vats!
The party just finished investigating 3 vats and got the First Key

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Sunless Citadel 6 - Don't split the party!


7 Goblin short-bows, arrows, and daggers
2 Red Sapphire Gems! (50gp each)


6 Goblins 75 XP times 7 = 525, 150 XP each
3 Twig Blights 40 XP x 3 = 120 XP, 40 XP each
1 Fire Snack 100 XP = 50 XP for Lupa and Jannick
Total = 300 XP each! (924 Total)


The party goes deep into the labyrinth of draconic rooms. Now they have uncovered a series of rooms that are filled with purple luminescence light emanating from various types of fungi. After defeating the twig creatures and skeletons, the party uncovers a series of work rooms. Just a handful of goblins are in this area.

The party kills a number of goblins and child goblins, gruesome site! But then they find two paths leading in opposite directions. Lupa and Jannick decide to go into a rift cut in the ground. The go down a long cavern and find a small cave that is filled with small holes. One of the holes has a faint glow to it. Lupa in wolf form sneaks up and is attacked by a fire snack! She and Jannick quickly kill the creature, even though it had a ferocious bite!

Ballrock and Nero go in the opposite direction and find a room filled with Skeletons and Twig creatures! They manage to destroy all of them before they can cut anyone down!

Finally they find a room that had a big group of Goblins. The party is now re-joined and are able to kill the goblins before they can muster an opposing force.

Now they have found a very large cavern that has a roof which appears to be 70 feet above. What will the party do now?!?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Tomb of Horror Part 3 - Final Finally!

We had 3 game sessions to run through Tomb of Horrors! I am amazed that the players were able to solve the puzzles and get to the end. And finally destroy the Demilich. Even though he is a badass, with 2 Paladins and some bad ass spell casters, they destroyed him!

Here the party goes into the second to last room! The Sarcophagus is interesting...

Long story long, when the Tales of the Yawning Portal first came out I knew I wanted to run an epic Tomb of Horrors game. But after reading it, as well as reading what people were saying, it became obvious this couldn't necessarily be brought into a long running DnD campaign. There are too many situations where players simply die, with no saving throws or explanations.

So I spent 8+ hours printing out all the DnD WoTC pre-generated characters at level 10, and descriptions of all their loot and spells. Which took a really long time because I wanted to make sure my Pathfinder friends could play. Man! Were they in for a treat! Since in Pathfinder by level 10 you normally have a badass character! But in DnD 5, by level 10 you're still not all that powerful, just have a lot more options when in confrontations.

We had about 6 players die, but when they have the option to immediately pick up another pre-gen, it wasn't that big of a deal.

The party avoided a lot of the gotcha's of the game, but they still got hit by a few, enough of them to have them understand why this isn't a normal dungeon to play through!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunless Citadel 5 - The Party Defeats the Goblin Shaman, Finds the Way Down


6 Long Swords
6 Short Swords
Splint Mail
Chain Mail
Golden Ring
Golden Necklace


3 Hobgoblins 75 XP times 3 = 150 XP each!
4 Goblins 50 XP x 4 = 200 XP each!
1 Goblin Shaman 100 XP each!
9 Twig Guys = 40 XP x 9 = 360 XP each!
2 Skeletons = 75 XP x 2 = 150 XP each
Total = 150 XP each! (624 Total)


After sleeping in a filthy Kobold den the party really wants a bath to get the Kobold funk off their bodies. But at least now they are fully rested and healed up. They go back to the same Trophy room that they had found the Wyrmling in. But then they hear Goblins arguing over something.

The Dragonkin Paladin opens the door and find that the large Goblin stronghold is a bit hazy with smoke from long burning torches. 2 small Goblin children immediately run to one end of the room. Which causes the party to rush in and tie up the children. But as they do this a group of Hobgoblins and twig creatures burst into the room and attack from the other side! Fortunately Nero and Will are prepared for this assault and blast them with magic as they enter the room.

After this initial assault the party rushes into the other large room to see a maelstrom of Goblin children and other non-warrior type Goblins running around screaming. The party is delighted to kill some defenseless Goblins!
Here the party see a couple of Goblin children run into the corner! Watch out! It's a trap!

But then as they attempt to flee the Druid blocks their path, but then she is attacked from behind from more Hobgoblins and a Goblin Shaman. The party blasts into the room and takes out the Shaman and Hobgoblins. They find a chest that is filled with Gold! But also they find a shaft that goes downward into the depths.

The Barbarian of the group decides to go down the shaft, even before the party can rest up. He falls 80 feet and almost dies. But he is a Half-Orc and uses his might to stay alive!

The party rushes down the shaft to help protect him! And fortunately they help save him from more Skeletons and twig creatures!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunless Citadel Part 4 - The Party Kills Goblins, Finds a Wyrmling!


6 Scimitars
6 shortbows with 3 quivers, 18 arrows
2 Scrolls of Spider Climb and Knock
gold ring worth 25gp
dragon shaped figurine 20gp
crystal goblet 5gp
fine silverware worth 24gp


6 Goblins = 50 XP times 6 = 300 XP
Return Wyrmling (Calcryx) to Kobold Leader (Yusdrayl) ! 100 XP
100 Each! (Total 474)

Characters that have over 300 are level 2, characters that are over 1500 are now level 3, but I don't think anyone has that much at this point.


The party has just killed a group of Goblins, but then they see down two rooms a room filled with Goblins! Roughly 30 to 40 of them! So they do what any logical adventurer would do, they close the door!

Then the party decides to investigate a couple of other rooms adjacent to the one filled with Goblins. Lupa wild shapes into a ferocious wolf! But she misses a step attempting to leap over a pit...

As they investigate they find some more goblins and a Wyrmling!

The party freaks as the wyrmling springs for attack!

As they debate if they should return the wyrmling or continue on, Graz hears through the door the voice of a some creature with a deep voice.

Nero speaks to the wyrmling and they return the wyrmling to the Kobold Leader, Yusdrayl. Who thanks the party, awarding them with 2 scrolls that he can't read. The spell casters determine them to be a scroll of spider climb and knock. Then he provides a room to the party to use one of the rooms for a long rest.